Aria's Story Lore

Review and story-telling written by The Lore Image taken from Aria’s Story is an RPG Maker game. It’s story-based horror game that was inspired by the game Ib. In Ib, a young girl got lost in a museum and is in a Wonderland in the museum. In Aria’s Story, Aria is a little girl who falls asleep in a library, and when she wakes up, it’s dark and empty. The story is of her trying to escape. This game references many famous books and their stories. It glorifies the wonders of stories and the magic authors make. The developer, art and story was written by ‘Lydia’. The game starts on a black screen with only text of two people talking about a book one of the people wrote. The reader character encourages the other to write a happy ending. The author calls the reader Aria. The screen then shows a cute small blonde girl with pink eyes entering her library and talking about how much she loves it and the books. She claims to have read al...