Evan's Conclusion
Despite the slight stigma behind video games as an art form, the games industry has been pumping out games with excellent narratives for a while now, though especially in recent years. It's not just the triple-a industry that can put together movie-quality products anymore, and each year technology advances, we get more and more creative games from studios who can finally afford to make their stories come to life. Video games can be a storytelling artifice just like any other form, be it novel, movie, or theater. The only difference between games and other narrative vehicles is that when you watch a movie or read a book, you're just absorbing information, whereas games have an interactivity to them that allows for fantastic levels of immersion. I'm glad for the opportunity to talk about this subject on a blog like this, as it is a subject I find myself very invested in. I've run blogs for classes before, both on Wordpress and Blogger, but until now they've all b...